It is the mission of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School to create a public school that will cultivate lifelong learners in a multi-age, project-based setting. Within an environment that models interdependence as the foundation of society
The individual student will learn to direct their learning;
The group will make decisions together and recognize the unique contributions of each member;
The community will support and interact with the school body.
Our Pillars:
The Pillars of the Charter were identified in consensus-building community-wide discussions in the second year of the school. The Pillars express core values of the school
School Rights These rights were identified by the students and teachers together during the very first days of the MVPCS. Each person has the right:
To feel safe in mind, body and spirit.
To have personal property reserved for personal use, unless loaned or given to someone else.
To have needs, aspirations and responsibilities acknowledged and respected.
To be oneself as long as one is responsive to others.
To have a clean, tidy and vandalism free campus.